The Problem With Krill Oil Supplements: 5 Things to Know Before Buying

Written by Claire Hannum

Updated on July 2, 2024

Is krill oil good for you?

Well, it depends…

In many cases, krill oil can be a huge upgrade to your health and quality of life. But there are also krill oil dangers to be wary of.

In this article, you’ll learn the five main problems relating to krill oil supplements, and how to make sure you’re purchasing and consuming one that is both pure and worth your money.

Table Of Contents

The 5 Main Problems With Krill Oil Supplements

Not all krill oil supplements are created—or sourced—in the same way. Krill oil is considered safe for most people, and for many, it comes with a whole host of health benefits like (1234)...

That said, if the krill oil isn’t sourced or produced to the highest standard, those health benefits can quickly become detrimental. Here are five key dangers to keep in mind when looking for a high-quality krill oil supplement...

1. Murky Sourcing

Krill live in every ocean on Earth, but today, krill fishing is limited due to environmental and health concerns.

Many krill are caught in the waters around Japan, Norway, South Korea, and Poland. It goes without saying that all of those waters have a lot of issues with pollution, especially in recent years.

But there’s one place on Earth that has some of the most pristine waters, and is loaded with a sustainable supply of krill…

The Antarctic Ocean. Not only are Antarctic waters cleaner than any other on Earth, but they’re also colder. So they’re an ideal environment for cold-loving krill.

Antarctic landscape with glaciers, icebergs, and mountains. Where pure krill oil is sourced from.

If you’re looking at a bottle of Krill Oil and it doesn’t say “Antarctic Krill,” DO NOT assume it was fished in those waters. That’s because there’s a hard quota on how much krill can be fished every year, and it hasn’t budged since the 90s.

In fact, it’s only getting harder to find Antarctic krill. Since 2018, more and more water has been closed off to form wildlife sanctuaries.

So Antarctic Krill Oil is hard to find at a good price, and we weren’t satisfied with that. Which brings us to our next point…

2. Outrageous Pricing

When people hear about the health benefits of “omega-3s”, they often think of fish oil.

So you’ve probably wondered at some point: “Can’t I just get my omega-3s from fish oil instead of krill? It’s so much cheaper!”

And here’s my answer: While fish oil may be the cheaper option, it’s full of toxins and heavy metals…

This is because of the nearly 8 million tonnes of garbage floating in our oceans (5). From that garbage, mercury seeps into the water. And the fish most affected by this are larger fish in the food chain like swordfish and bluefin tuna (i.e. what fish oil is made from).

Fish oil capsules scattered about and a fish tail coming out of brown supplement jar.

So yes, fish oil may be the more affordable option, but it comes at a cost to your health. And what’s more, it’s not as effective as krill oil either. In one study, those who took Krill Oil…

  • Slashed triglycerides by 19.48%...
  • Cut down LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) in patients by 36%...
  • And pumped up HDL cholesterol (the GOOD kind) by 50.25%!

By contrast, fish oil only showed a 4% improvement. So the benefits are obvious, especially when you get it from the purest source.

All that said, krill oil supplements may be a few dollars more than fish oil. But they shouldn’t be outrageously expensive.

At NativePath, we don’t think there should be a financial trade-off when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Which is why we do what we can to keep our prices as affordable as possible. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with every brand. So you may find yourself overpaying to keep your krill oil routine going.

3. Risky Dosages

Krill oil is extremely potent. A small dose results in a whole ocean of health benefits (pun intended). And for whatever reason, several supplement brands gamble with offering a higher dose of krill oil. This can be dangerous since krill oil serves as a natural blood thinner, too.

Extremely high doses of krill oil can pose a potential risk to the following people (6)

  • Those taking blood thinners
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Anyone concerned about higher chances of bruising or bleeding

If you have concerns, talk to your doctor before adding krill oil to your wellness routine.

Some brands, like MegaRed, offer krill oil doses of up to 1,000mg per day, which is more than what’s needed to experience results.

Hand holding a NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil softgel

4. Unwanted Ingredients

Many supplements include soy as a filler, and with many brands, krill oil is no exception. This already poses a problem for people with soy allergies, but on top of that, soy has many other potential risks.

Soy may be linked to hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, digestive issues, and even a lower absorption of nutrients in the body (789).

Each of these ingredients plays a key role in delivering krill oil’s benefits. The omega-3 fatty acids—EPA and DHA—are powerful inflammation fighters (10). The phospholipids help your body absorb those omega-3s (11). And astaxanthin, one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature, has been shown to improve skin texture and appearance, lower blood glucose and insulin levels, reverse cell damage, and more (1213).

That’s it. No soy, no fillers, no worries.

5. Where It’s Produced

Many brands don’t get specific on where their krill oil is produced once it’s sourced from the ocean…

The key thing to look for when shopping for krill is whether or not it’s produced in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certified Facility, and if each batch receives a Certificate of Analysis.

This ensures that the product meets the agreed-upon standards of Quality Assurance, giving you the confidence you need to make that supplement a part of your daily routine.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, choosing the right krill oil for you—or any supplement for that matter—comes down to the sourcing, purity, and transparency of the company.

Make sure you’re choosing krill oil from a brand that is open with you about where and how its products are sourced and manufactured. And double-check that the product’s ingredients are potent and pure, without chemicals, fillers, or shady processing practices that dilute them.

Claire Hannum
Article by

Claire Hannum

Claire Hannum is a New York City-based writer, editor, wellness seeker, and reiki practitioner. Her writing has appeared in Self, Health, Prevention, and over a dozen other publications.

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    This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Chad Walding nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.

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