Kristen Cueto

Kristen Cueto

Kristen Cueto is a content creator of 10 years, with a soon-to-be Master’s in holistic nutrition. As a whole-food lover with a slight obsession with fiber, she believes eating well should be simple and accessible. Which is what grounds her in the belief that food is medicine—and that all we need can be found abundantly in nature. When she’s not creating content, she can be found in Southern California hitting up local farmer’s markets, adopting a new bio-hacking technique, or listening to a health podcast in the sun while getting her steps in.

Editorial Standards

In a world overrun by questionable news, you deserve to feed your mind with content that you can trust. When you read a NativePath blog, you can expect the following:

  • Scientific Sources: We believe in sourcing the highest-quality information for our blogs—from academic research institutions, reputable media sites, and medically peer-reviewed studies*.
  • Credentialed Writers: We have the experts write our blogs—from registered dietitians and kinesiologists to physical therapists and personal trainers.
  • Medical Reviewers: Each of our more science-heavy blogs is reviewed by an experienced professional to ensure accuracy and credibility.
  • Up-to-Date Information: As new science and research unfold, our blogs are updated accordingly. Each quarter, we review our published blogs and make any updates necessary.

*The numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) are clickable links to these studies.