When it comes to breathwork, the intention behind it isn’t just to breathe, but to become aware of when thoughts come into your mind…
So, when a thought like, “What am I going to eat for dinner tonight?” arises, acknowledge it and then bring yourself back to breathing. Each time this happens, you’re recentering yourself back into a calm state.
By practicing this over and over again, you’re creating awareness. Or what I like to call: The currency of today’s generation.
3. Exercise
Developing a consistent movement practice radically helps relieve stress.
Whether it’s yoga or our free 30-day fitness routine, you’re giving your mind a break from worry, news, and to-do lists.
4. Spend Time in Nature
Spending time in nature—unplugged—is so important.
By looking around, smelling, listening, and observing while out in nature, you’re bringing your body back to a present state.
5. Journal
Anything you’re worried about, you can put in your journal.
Replace worrisome thoughts with thoughts of appreciation and gratitude by listing out the things that you’re grateful for and sharing those with someone.
Another idea you can do to get yourself out of your mind and into the present moment is coloring in an adult coloring book. Buy one on Amazon for under $15.00 and experience the childlike calm that it brings.
What’s Next?
Congrats! You just completed The NativePath Sleep Course: The Sleepless Person’s Guide to Getting Better Sleep (in just 7 days)!
It was such a joy and honor to be a part of your sleep journey.
You may be wondering, “What’s next for me and my health journey?”
Well, that’s a great question. I’m glad you asked!
There’s another transformational course that may be right up your alley…
Especially since you’ve already built up such incredible momentum with this course…
It goes over how to turn your modern-day lifestyle into a native lifestyle—with the right foods, supplements, and movements.
Over the course of 30 days, you’ll get daily wellness tips from me—Dr. Chad—sent straight to your inbox…
Free meal plan? Check.
Free shopping guide? Check.
Workout course? Check.
If you’re thinking to yourself, “Yes, please. Sign me up!”, head here to get started.
To better sleep,
Dr. Chad
P.S. In the Comments Section below, tell me: What is ONE thing that you learned during this course that you’ll continue to implement to get better sleep?